The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Newnham Primary School

Newnham Primary School values each child as an individual. We are committed to promoting the highest possible levels of achievement for all learners.


Food, glorious food!

Hot mid-day meals are available.

Children may bring a packed lunch or go home at lunch time.

Hot meals are prepared offsite and delivered to the school daily by Caterlink. The food is healthy and nutritious and can be ordered by registering and ordering online by midnight on Tuesday for the following week.

Arrangements can be made for families living on low incomes to receive help by providing their school children with a free meal at lunch time.   A simple rule would be that any family in receipt of additional benefit of any kind should always apply. Please speak to the school office staff if you require further information.