The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Newnham Primary School

Newnham Primary School values each child as an individual. We are committed to promoting the highest possible levels of achievement for all learners.


Admissions information is provided by Northamptonshire County Council.

Arrangements for applications for places in Reception at Newnham Primary School will be made in accordance with Northamptonshire’s co-ordinated admission arrangements; parents resident in Northamptonshire can apply online at:

Parents resident in other areas must apply through their home local authority (LA).  NEWNHAM PRIMARY SCHOOL will use Northamptonshire’s timetable published online for these applications and Northamptonshire will make the offers of places as required by the School Admissions Code.  

Published Admission Number (PAN)  

The PAN for Reception is 20.  If there are fewer applicants than places available all applicants will be admitted.  

Special Educational Needs 

Any child with an Education, Health and Care Plan that names the academy will be admitted.  

Oversubscription Criteria 

If there are more applications than places available we will apply the oversubscription criteria listed below:    

  1. Looked after children and previously looked after children.  A 'looked after child' is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making an application to a school.  Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order).     
  2. Children with a normal home address (See Note 2 – definition of ‘home address’) in the village of Newnham and its surrounding villages (Everdon, Badby, and Fawsley); and with a sibling (see definition of ‘sibling’ below) on the roll of the school at the time of application or whose parent has accepted an offer of a place at the school and who is expected still to be in attendance at the time of entry to the school.   
  3. Children with a normal home address in Newnham, Everdon, Badby and Fawsley.      
  4. Children with a normal home address outside the areas defined in criteria 3 and with a sibling on the roll of the school at the time of application or whose parent has accepted an offer of a place at the school and who is expected still to be in attendance at the time of entry to the school. (See note 3 – definition of sibling).
  5. All other applications.

Allocation of Places

If the admission number is exceeded within criterion 3 priority will be given to those who live furthest from the nearest alternative school.

If the admission number is exceeded within any other criterion priority will be given to those who live closest to the school.

Distances are measured using the post office address point of the home to the post office address point of the school and using Northamptonshire’s computerised distance measuring software.

Please see Admissions Policy document for detailed information.

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